PBS Reno Announces Successful Better Together Challenge
Challenge Benefits Communities In Schools of Western Nevada and PBS Reno
RENO, NV (January 9, 2024) — PBS Reno is thrilled to announce 327 new members joined PBS Reno during the station’s Better Together Challenge, which took place November 23, 2023 through January 1, 2024. An additional 1,080 donors renewed their membership or made additional contributions. As a result, the NV Energy Foundation will provide a generous gift of $10,000 to Communities In Schools (CIS) of Western Nevada and $10,000 to PBS Reno for its Curiosity Classroom Workshops that reach thousands of local students each school year.
“We are so excited that the community rallied together to ensure the Better Together Challenge surpassed their goal this year,” said Ryan Bellows, NV Energy Vice President of Government and External Relations. “The NV Energy Foundation is proud to support PBS Reno and Communities In Schools of Western Nevada through the Better Together Challenge and we look forward to making our $10,000 donations to each organization now that the drive is complete. We prioritize support to nonprofits and causes most important to NV Energy customers and our community which is why education and youth development is one of our pillars of giving at the NV Energy Foundation. Over the years, we’ve supported Communities In Schools with more than $750,000 in support and have given out more than $2 million in scholarships to Nevada students, among other programs and initiatives. We look forward to continued support for the communities where our employees live and work.”
“We are overjoyed to learn that PBS Reno, in partnership with the NV Energy Foundation, reached its membership drive goal,” said Nicole Willis-Grimes, Executive Director of CIS of Western Nevada. “It’s a true testament of our community’s commitment to supporting local nonprofits and improving the quality of life in our area. We’re equally grateful to have been selected by our amazing community partner, NV Energy Foundation, to participate in this year’s Better Together Challenge. The $10,000 matching donation we are receiving will support the work of our co-located site coordinators on 13 Title I school campuses throughout Washoe County in being a caring, trusting adult for kids who face challenges every day. The funds will also help ensure we have a constant supply of school supplies, last-minute clothing and food items, and hygiene products that any of the nearly 9,000 students we serve might need. The PBS Reno Better Together Challenge has become a wonderful tradition around the holidays to engage PBS Reno members and support not just one, but two nonprofit organizations. Thank you to our entire community for your support this year!”
This is the fourth successful Better Together Challenge from PBS Reno. In June 2020, the Nell J. Redfield Foundation provided $10,000 each to PBS Reno and Food Bank of Northern Nevada. During the 2020 holiday season, Nevada Gold Mines provided $10,000 each to PBS Reno and Eddy House. During the 2021 holiday season, Raley’s O-N-E Market provided $10,000 each to PBS Reno and The Children’s Cabinet.
“We are so pleased to see our community respond so positively to our Better Together Challenge again this year,” said Kurt Mische, PBS Reno President and CEO. “Thanks to our great partners at the NV Energy Foundation, both Communities In Schools of Western Nevada and PBS Reno will receive much-needed funds to continue to serve our community. Our deep appreciation goes out to the NV Energy Foundation and our community for their generosity.”
About PBS Reno
As of December 2023, PBS Reno is enjoyed by more than 290,000 monthly viewers in northern and central Nevada and northeastern California across several platforms including three broadcast channels (PBS Reno 5.1, Reno Create 5.2, and PBS KIDS on PBS Reno 5.3), a YouTube channel, YouTubeTV, online, livestreams, and digital platforms. PBS Reno provides PBS national programming and award-earning, locally-produced content, with many local segments posted weekly to PBS Reno’s YouTube Channel. PBSReno.org provides engaging interactive content, including the video portal at watch.PBSReno.org that streams all locally-produced content and most PBS national content. PBS Reno serves students, teachers, parents and caregivers through immersive educational services including Curiosity Classroom Workshops that bring classroom lessons to life with standards-based lessons and activities. Through the support of local corporations and foundations, as well as thousands of individual members, PBS Reno has been delivering public television and educational services to the communities it serves since September 29, 1983.
Contact us:
Membership Questions: membership@pbsreno.org
Programming Hotline: programming@pbsreno.org
Phone: 775.600.0555
Address: 1670 N. Virginia St. • Reno NV 89503