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Entertain Your Curiosity!

PBS Reno is your independent, community-owned, public television station. We are not owned by, or affiliated with, any college, university, or other government agency. We are not affiliated with any public radio station. We raise 82% of our operating budget from the people in the region who we serve. If you already contribute to PBS Reno, thank you!

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Featured Local Productions

PBS Reno 

JOYful Moments

Join PBS Reno’s Director of Education Joy Foremaster for JOYful Moments! Joy demonstrates a fun and entertaining activity.

Refugee's daughter

Episode 15

Christina is joined by queer, trans, non-binary person, Lily Zheng. They'll discuss Lily's work.

PBS Reno Curiosity Classroom

Encouraging kids in grades K-3 to celebrate the power of stories by submitting their own.

PBS Reno and PBS have curated FREE, standards-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans and more.

PBS Reno brings Ready To Learn resources to communities in Nevada and northeastern California.

PBS Reno and PBS Education are your source for teaching inspiration, resources and fresh ideas.

Featured PBS Shows

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