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Featured Episode

Episode 1004

In this episode of ARTEFFECTS, meet Richard Bryan, a retired U.S. Senator turned published author.


Delves into the local arts scene while encompassing art features from across the nation. A play on the word "artifact" that emphasizes, not only the positive intended and unintended "effects" the arts have in our daily environments, region, and world - but also the long-term and lasting impact the arts have in helping define and describe our culture, community, nation, and world.

Upcoming Episodes

Flow Arts Compilation | Airs December 29
Movement-based disciplines are not limited to just dance. Meet several local artists who embody “flow arts” in their own ways!

Artisan Cocktails | Airs January 5
Learn about artisan cocktail making and visit specialists in our area who are skilled in the art of mixology.

Trey Valentine | Airs January 12
Meet artist Trey Valentine and learn about his eye-catching window displays throughout northern Nevada.

Jeff Hickman | Airs January 19
Meet Reno-based cartoonist Jeff Hickman and learn about his approach to editorial cartoons and caricatures.

Far Beyond the Walls Exhibition | Airs January 26
Take a look inside the recently decommissioned Nevada State Prison and enter the immersive art exhibition “Far Beyond the Walls” to learn about issues surrounding incarceration in the U.S.

Richard Bryan | Airs February 2
Former U.S. B Senator and Nevada Governor Richard Bryan can now add published author to his lengthy list of extraordinary accomplishments. 

Silver Dollar Chorus | Airs February 9
This group performs traditional barbershop music resulting in harmony and friendship. 

Carol & Penny | Airs February 16
Watercolor to printmaking, or book-binding to abstract acrylic, Penny Pemberton and Carol Neel have succeeded in various forms of artwork. 

Black History Compilation | Airs February 23
Enjoy unique paintings from local black artists including James Gayles, and Turner plus a recent exhibit at the Nevada Museum of Art featuring photographer Janna Ireland and famed architect Paul Revere Williams.

Meet The Producers

ARTEFFECTS is produced by Rebecca Cronon and Guinivere Clark. 

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Support Provided By:

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Sandy Raffealli

Heidemarie Rochlin

Meg and Dillard Myers
In memory of Sue McDowell
The Carol Franc Buck Foundation
Chris and Parky May

by the annual contribution of 
PBS Reno Members

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