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Wild NevadaEpisode 508: Desert National Wildlife Refuge

Explore the Refuge's seven life zones, desert to the mountains, and interpretive trails.

Episode 508 – Desert National Wildlife Refuge:

Hosts Chris Orr and Dave Santina visit the Desert National Wildlife Refuge, where Jim Boone introduces them to the seven life zones contained within the refuge’s borders. The trio drive into the area known as the outback and encounter fossils from the time when this area was beneath the sea, a stunning and expansive yucca forest, and transition from the desert into the mountainous portion of the refuge where the pines dominate. On day two of the trip, Chris and Dave explore the Visitor Center and follow the accessible interpretive trails, where they learn more about this region, including a visit to a special aquarium exhibit.

Watch on PBS Reno
Thursdays at 8:00 PM • Saturdays at 3:00 PM • Sundays at 6:00 PM • Mondays at 1:00 PM

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