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ART VIEWS Features in October 2023

October 27, 2023


Dance: The Most Physically Active Job in America

For the most part, I ignore these posts but recently one caught my eye. It was titled, “The 27 most physically active jobs in America.” After clicking on the link, I was sent to an article in a website called, “Business Insider.” The website features just what you might expect - business information...

October 20, 2023


New Environs

It’s always a challenge for artists to connect with new audiences when they move into the region. During the pandemic, it became even harder. And for art fans who want to follow new arrivals, there’s no central place to find them...

October 13, 2023

Scott Faulkner

Reno Phil Concert Preview

The first four notes are probably the most recognizable musical phrase in Western music. Duh, duh, duh, dahhhh. Beethoven was not a melodist with an endless stream of tunes in his head. Instead, he made the most of small melodic building blocks...

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